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Tuesday, 23 November 2021

What is it Going to Take?

The world is in upheaval. 
Nothing is what it used to be. 
How is the church handling the current situation? 
Are we cowering down and waiting for things to go back to normal?
Are we looking for opportunities to share Christ with a hurting, confused, angry, lonely depressed people, people without focus, without purpose and without hope? 

Now is the time to re-evaluate everything we hold dear. 
If we are born of an incorruptible seed, then its time for that seed to germinate and produce in us what its purpose is. 
The question we should be asking is: 
What is it going to take to reach your people group? 
My community, my town or city, my ethnic group, my nation. 

NOT: What can I can do? 
NOT: What have others done before us? 
NOT: What is possible? 
No, the answers to all these questions limit our best possible outcomes to the extent of my current faith. 
Jesus did not call us to go and live within the realms of our possibilities but our impossibilities. 
He did not not ask us what we thought we could do, but commanded us, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel."

He did not form a committee, or take a vote. 
He came with a purpose, to establish the kingdom of God on earth and redeem mankind.
He commanded his followers to make disciples. 
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  Matthew 28.18-20  

I believe it's time to 

It's time to get onto doing what Jesus commanded, instead of playing religious games and kidding ourselves that we are doing God's will.  

Jesus said, 

"Go ye, Disciple nations"
We have largely, stayed home and got fat.

Our thinking, for the most part, has been limited to growing a congregation in a building. 

People want answers, people want hope, they want reality, they actually want what God offers them, the chance to live in the life of their original design, as God intended, but how will they find it? Most unbelievers would never step inside a church, so how will they hear the message of His love. How will they get to experience His love, and become a part of His family through becoming a new creation.  

I was recently challenged greatly by the message of Chris Galanos from Experience Life Church in Lubbock Texas in his book "From Megachurch to Multiplication."  After growing a conventional church to mega church status in under 8 years he started to question the way they were doing church, how valid were their goals and why was he not thinking like some of the missionaries their church supported and others, that were thinking in terms of how to reach an entire ethnic group, a state or even an entire nation. 

While his church was lauded as one of the USA's fastest growing churches, and thinking in terms of thousands (they had already seen over 10,000 commitments to Christ) the people he was gleaning from were thinking in the millions. 

Whatever you believe God has called you for, I believe it is time to rethink. 
Rethink vision, rethink purpose, rethink goals, rethink strategies. 

If we always do what we have always done, we will always get what we have always got. 

If what the church has done in its efforts to reach the world over the last approx 1700 years has achieved its goal of winning the world and making disciples OF all nations - not just in all nations, (since the Roman Empire institutionalised the church) then we can go back to doing what we did before, but if it appears that the previous methods and strategies did not do as Jesus commanded then maybe its time to rethink. 

E-Life church's journey towards movement, may not be for everybody, it will certainly challenge the status quo if you act on it, but at least it seems to be one church's attempt to answer the question "What is it going to take to reach your people group?" 


ORDER From Megachurch to Multiplication
on Amazon here

Rev Dr Howard Sands 

With over 40 years of ministry experience in over 26 countries on every continent, from village home meetings in developing countries to crowds up to 50,000, from stadiums to street meetings, he is equally comfortable, from pastoring local churches, special guest at church meetings, keynote speaker at conferences, youth conferences, pastors and leaders training, Bible college lectures, outreaches, outdoor crusades, tent crusades and business leaders equipping. 

Howard brings a refreshing dynamic to understanding who you are in Christ and will help to lift your congregation or conference from where they are in their experience to where God says they are in His word. He is strongly word based, Spirit led and tangible healings and renewed relationships with the Lord are often experienced at his meetings.

See ministry and business overview here

See full ministry bio and ministry references here 

Africa Network BFTF -

To send an invitation to Howard or Joy Sands or Beautiful Feet Task Force we prefer your message with these details by messenger here 

If you would like to donate to BFTF International Missions for training leaders in developing world countries donate here.  

Payment options

1. PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online! 


2. Bank account Direct Deposit

Beautiful Feet Task Force
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB 062 614
Account 0094 0442 

Thursday, 11 November 2021


Does this look like something you are experiencing?

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

-- Joseph Goebbels
Reichsminister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
German Third Reich.
In office 14 March 1933 – 30 April 1945


While he exercised control for a time - it came to an end. 


There is something more powerful than a lie, its the truth.

Lets tell it without fear, the gospel of faith, hope and love in the finished work of Christ is the truth and no government, big media, big pharma or eugenics controllers can stop the truth. 

We call for an exposure of the works of darkness and the freedom to bring the love of Christ to anyone and everyone who repents and commits their life to Christ providing them with forgiveness, salvation and righteousness regardless of their past.

More info on Joseph Goebbels and his antagonism towards the church found in the Church struggle segment.

If this rings any bells for you (it should) you know that the truth must prevail and we must not lie down and unquestioningly take the lies any more. 

Friday, 15 October 2021

How to request a visiting speaker to attend your church or event

I have often received emails and messages from pastors inviting me to visit their countries and preach at their churches and events without giving much detail.
They expect me to jump on a plane because they have written to me (which may take 10 minutes to write) and I have to spend thousands of dollars, (to travel to Africa in many cases will cost me about $3,000US for economy flights) disrupting my normal schedule and away from my family, church and income, (I am not paid by a church - I earn my own income) just to do what they has requested.
This invite is then watered down in my mind when I notice that I am one of a large number of people the invite was sent to and I am one of the many CC people on the list. This pastor is taking the approach, 'ask as many as you can, maybe someone will come.'
This does not incline me to even want to reply.
I have found that God does not usually work this way.
God has a divine purpose and He is specific and detailed. I know because I have experienced the goodness and mercies of God when He specifically told me where to go. I find often that such a person has no means or intention of covering my costs and is expecting me in many cases to help cover his costs.

Brothers, because someone lives in a so called, "western. or 'rich' country": do not suppose that they are able or inclined to pay your costs, or even their own. It may be that they can and are willing to (2 different issues) but this matter should be clearly discussed in the invitation along with some other important issues
Therefore I thought it prudent to lay out some suggestions for offering invitations which will help all parties involved avoid uncomfortable situations and embarrassment.
If you are inviting preachers to visit your church and country, please be more specific or you may not get an answer to your request or receive a decline.

The following should be covered.


Be clear with the type of meeting, dates and what you are specifically asking them to do. You can always ask for their feedback and suggestions as well
1) We are inviting you to be one of our speakers for our 5-day Revival Meeting from 1-5 Sept.

2) There will be 2 meetings a day and you will be one of 3 guest speakers and we would hope that you would be able to bring 3 messages along the topic of a revived heart. We will let you know your schedule once you have accepted. We will also arrange for you to speak at our Sunday service on Sept 6 and at another church in the area on that Sunday evening

Financial Arrangements:

Explain clearly what you can afford to cover in their costs and if you will remunerate them with a set amount, a love offering or some other form of gratuity.

1) We will pay for your economy class airfare and pick you up at the airport. If you want to bring your wife and any of your church leaders, currently we cannot do this, they are welcome but would need to make their own arrangements.

2) We will pay for the 3-star hotel accommodation. However if you were to bring your members, we will take care of up to a maximum of 3 rooms. Alternatively we have a church member who has offered accommodation for you (and wife if accompanying) should you prefer this.

3) A love offering will be given to you at the end of the meeting.

Some info on your church and the meeting:

Give a very brief outline of your church history, current attendance, where the meeting is to be held and any other special details, such as combined with other churches etc.

1) Our church is now 7 years old, this is our annual conference which began 3 years ago and we invite the congregations of our 2 sister churches in the area to participate.

2)Currently our church Sunday attendance is around 300 people. For this conference we expect the number will be around 600 people.

3) The meetings will be held in the public town hall which accommodates about 1000 people

I am not suggesting that the examples above are the details you have to make in your invitation just the way to make the invitation. You may not be able to cover air fares or hotels, the point is just be clear about this.

Even with such info, the invited guest will have to pray and seek God if it is His will for them to attend. Keep in mind that many ministers have their travel schedule booked up to a year in advance. Give plenty of notice.
If you are organizing such an event, you should pray and seek God if it is God’s plan for you to have such a meeting and seek his direction for your guest speakers.

This will often come from those with whom you have established some kind of relationship.
When you write to request (a phone call is often the best way to start this and follow it with a formal written invitation) always address the message to the person by name. Using terms like "Dear Servant of God" suggests that you have sent the same message to many and weakens the strength of your invitation.
I hope this helps you to be clearer in your communication regarding invitations to your church and/or event and avoid embarrassment for you and your guest.

Acknowledgement to Ps Randy Tan from Singapore for the basis of this information.

Rev Dr Howard Sands 

With over 40 years of ministry experience in over 26 countries on every continent, from village home meetings in developing countries to crowds up to 50,000, from stadiums to street meetings, he is equally comfortable, from pastoring local churches, special guest at church meetings, keynote speaker at conferences, youth conferences, pastors and leaders training, Bible college lectures, outreaches, crusades, tent crusades and business leaders equipping. 

Howard brings a refreshing dynamic to understanding who you are in Christ and will help to lift your congregation or conference from where they are in their experience to where God says they are in His word. He is strongly word based, Spirit led and tangible healings and renewed relationships with the Lord are often experienced.

See ministry and business overview here

See full ministry bio and ministry references here 

The Beautiful Feet Lecture

See Beautiful Feet Task Force facebook page here 

Hear samples of preaching and ministry here on YouTube 

See Africa Network BFTF membership site here 

To send an invitation to Howard or Joy Sands or Beautiful Feet Task Force we prefer your message with the above details by messenger here

Ghana 2015, Leaders conference

Indonesia 2006, Healing service

South Africa 2015, Leaders conference

Kenya 2016, crusade

India 2017, Pastors Annual Conference

Australia 2019, Combined Churches Victory meeting

India 2017, Pastors conference

South Africa 2019, Tent Crusade

Saturday, 2 October 2021

Now available for Pre-Release orders at special price. Closes 3 Oct 2021

New Book by Howard Sands

Your Kingdom Come

The Lord's Prayer, not a liturgy, not a model prayer, but a whole new way of life.

In The Lord's Prayer I think that what Jesus was actually teaching us was not that we should pray and repeat the words he had given us; although in the two versions, (Matthew 6 and Luke 11) which seemingly are on two different occasions, he said almost the same words, but he was teaching us something about life. The first verse in Matthew chapter 6 is part of the Sermon on the Mount. 

The Lord's Prayer is commonly thought to be a prayer of hastening the day of the coming of the Lord. I suspect that it's more - it's not asking God, "Is He going to come," It's not praying, "Lord, please come," It is saying, "Your Kingdom Come." It's a statement of fact. It's a faith statement. It's a statement that is declaring something. The entire Lords Prayer may in fact be far more than we have accredited it with, more than a religious liturgy, or request for His involvement and benevolence in our lives, but, in fact, an instruction for the whole of life. This book explores each piece of the Lord's Prayer in this light and comes up with some amazing constructs for living a powerful, God honouring, overcoming life and being part of establishing His Kingdom on earth.

The Lord’s Prayer is part of Jesus’ teaching on life. It is part of the Sermon on the Mount, which is not a teaching on prayer, it’s a teaching on character and behaviour and how to live, and within this sermon, the Lord’s Prayer teaches us how we ought to conduct our relationship with God. 

From the Forward  by 
International Evangelist Tim Hall.

"...It is a very strong, honest and practical handbook that is brilliantly compiled and full of strong revelation that will take the reader's spiritual life to a new dimension. This is a strategic book of very real significance for these turbulent times."

Evangelist Tim Hall
Founder Tim Hall International Ministries Inc.

I want us to see, that in this prayer is the whole of the gospel message and how it is relevant to every aspect of our lives. This is the entire gospel message wrapped up and encased in these few words. This is relevant not only to prayer, but to every aspect of our lives.

This book is ideal as 
  • A Ministry resource for pastors, 
  • Church department and group leaders, 
  • Those wanting to lead participants in a deeper life, 
  • Those wanting to progress themselves deeper into the kingdom. 

What Australia's Christian Leaders are saying about 
"Your Kingdom Come."

This Book is so important for every believer to read! A Prayerless believer is a powerless believer. Oh how we need to get back into the prayer closet every day! Howard Sands has released this book in a crucial time, and hopefully this will be a wake-up call to many, to return to the Lord as their first Love & get on their knees in prayer!

Pastor Matt Prater – New Hope Church Brisbane
Host – Historymakers radio & Vision radio Weekends presenter
Former Chairman – National Day of Prayer & Fasting Australia

What a well of refreshing and  inspiration read from the Lord’s Prayer by Howard Sands.
During our season of over 30 years ministry in Papua New Guinea, the believers never knew God as God, but it was always “Papa God” or Father God
Loved those early chapters. I thought here in the Lord’s prayer we have the complete Gospel message for mankind, especially believers. 
Not some ritual or something spoken during a church service but the complete whole message in just 5 verses. 
Dr Graham Baker  DD MA
Missionaries to PNG 1965-1996  (Together with Dr Irene Baker )
Missions Director for the Foursquare Churches for 1997-2016 19  
Director of Lighthouse Global Ministries 1996-

"As you read Your Kingdom Come, A Different Way to Look at the Lord’s Prayer
you will be inspired by Howard's very practical and in-depth look at our Lord's prayer. Though it could easily be call Our Prayer, Howard's unpacking of The Lord's Prayer is a great insight into how a Christian's life was intended to be lived within God's Kingdom; and when it is, that life impacts all lives around it. This book is likely to challenge you, and I pray it will take you on a life-long journey of walking in His Kingdom."

Pastor Ric Burrell 
Snr Ps Strong Nation Church, Hawkesbury, Penrith, Blue Mountains NSW; Cambodia. 
District leader, Australian Christian Churches.

About the Author 

Rev Dr Howard Sands, is Founder/International Director of Beautiful Feet Task Force (BFTF), an Australian organisation lifting peoples experience to where God says they are in His Word.

Howard takes teams to minister in evangelistic and leadership events across 26 countries encompassing every continent.  

He and his wife Joy have pioneered and pastored Australian churches in Canberra and Sydney and helped establish 5 Bible training facilities. He is the founder of Africa Network BFTF, an online membership platform for pastors and leaders in or interested in Africa for building resources to help African Christian churches grow, mature & deliver the Great Commission, now with over 3900 memberships.

He has degrees in Business Management/Marketing, Advanced Diploma in Ministry and a Doctor of Divinity.

He has owned or managed several business enterprises.  Worked in sales, sales management, business development for major corporations, small business and not for profits. 

He is passionate to see people receive Christ and be established as victorious, overcoming  reproducing believers. 

A great resource to help:- 
  • your prayer life,
  • maturity &
  • understanding your position in Christ to live victoriously in every situation.

Use it:-   
  • as a devotional 
  • a reference book 
  • a prayer stimulator
  • a teaching tool
  • a learning process of your position in Christ. 

More Leaders Comments 

From his opening citation of Clyde Herring’s witty, amusing, and provocative expansion of The Lord’s Prayer, Dr Sands goes on to dig deeply into the true meaning and application of what it means to pray as Jesus taught us. His book provides an excellent analysis of the structure and terms used in the prayer, but far more, every page is redolent of the author’s deep devotion to Christ and of a strong relationship with the Lord. 

Your Kingdom Come could be read as an extended devotional, perhaps a chapter a day, mixed with prayer and serious meditation. For slower readers, perhaps only a portion of a chapter, depending upon how much time is available. But anyone who reads this book thoughtfully, and with a mind open to the Holy Spirit, will, in my opinion, be enriched by the encounter.
Rev Dr Ken Chant
Member of the Order of Australia.
Bachelor of Arts (BA); 
Master of Religious Education (MRE); 
Doctor of Ministry (DMin); 
Doctor of Theology (ThD); 
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
Ordained in the CRC Churches International (since 1954).
Founder, (with Dr Stan DeKoven) of the worldwide Vision Christian College, and Australasian president of the same. 
Vision College, founded in 1974, currently has some 100,000 students in about 150 countries, with about 2 million graduates, who have established more than 10,000 new churches. 

This challenging and practical walk-through of the Jesus' model prayer hits at the heart of the daily life of a follower of Christ. It’s message is an encouragement and a paradigm shift to believers of all stages. This is exactly what Howard has demonstrated over decades of faithful, humble service to our Lord in Australia and beyond. I commend Howard, his ministry and this book to you.

Pastor Darren Hessenberger
Senior Pastor,
Highlands Christian Church, Mittagong, Australia
International Missions Coordinator, Bethesda Ministries International 

This book gives a true understanding of what we call the Lords Prayer, giving a biblical meaning to this amazing scripture, explaining true Christianity as a relationship with God. Discounting the law as only a shadow of what God really has for us. Understanding and revelation will be received from reading this manuscript, well done!

Pastor John Gear 
International Network of Churches
Chairman, Blacktown Ministers Network.  

The Purpose in Looking at this Prayer

Many different churches have taught many different things about the Lord’s Prayer over the years and our purpose is not to look at the how and the why of a liturgy, which it has been used as, but more at what Christ was teaching about life in this prayer.

Chapter Topics

1/ Our Father, 

Who is Our Father, what does He want with me and how does He want to relate with me. 
What is God actually saying to me now and how is that going to affect my life here on earth? And how is my life going to be affected by what He’s teaching me about prayer? 

2/ Which Art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name
Where is heaven, how is your relationship with the God of Heaven, how do you get there, what does it mean 'to hallow.'  The name speaks about the person. The person and the name are synonymous. 

3/ Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done
“Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  It is a statement of fact, a faith statement, “Lord, we are declaring your kingdom that is in heaven, to be here on earth.” This is the central message of all Christ’s teaching. He teaches about the kingdom. 

4/ Give us Today our Daily Bread 
God doesn’t want us to go without. God is saying, this is what you should pray, ‘Ask God to meet your daily needs. Therefore, I think by inference, we can say that God does not want us to be without our daily needs. How are you receiving? 

5/ Forgive us our Debts
This is an instruction for living as much as it is an instruction about praying. Praying is about living because we should pray about our life. Our life should be a prayer and we should pray about our life. Jesus’ instruction in the Lord’s Prayer is about how to live our life. Jesus teaches us that an important aspect of life, and therefore prayer, is forgiveness. 

6/ Lead us not into Temptation but Deliver us from Evil 
Satan can’t bring destruction upon our lives unless he has permission. You know that. We can give him permission, but God can also give him permission. Do you want to let God give Satan permission to destroy things in your life? If you don’t want to let God, give Satan permission then read this chapter very carefully.

7/ The Doxology
The ending, the recognised conclusion. Let’s look at what it says. “Thine is the kingdom” I’m pretty excited about that because Jesus’ whole life and ministry was about the kingdom. He taught about the kingdom. He told so many parables, saying; “the kingdom of God is like” ...  He told all these stories because He was trying to convey to the people what the kingdom of God is like. This book helps you understand and live in this Kingdom.

The Purpose of the Lord's prayer 
As we looked at that earlier, when we read about “Your Kingdom come,” we found that the kingdom of God is like God invading our life. It’s like God taking over every part of our lives. The whole purpose of the Lord’s Prayer is in fact, that we might understand that God wants to be in every part of our lives.

More Comments by Australian Leaders

There are lots of good thoughts here which can open new doors in your thinking, and introduce you to some new and exciting vistas for your faith.

Pastor Tony Rawson
Evangelist and conference speaker
CRC Churches International.

This short book on the Lord’s Prayer is written with the clear intention of opening up the Prayer for everyday use. Both readers who have prayed the Prayer for decades and those who have never prayed it will find this book equally thought-provoking, engaging and inviting. Howard speaks from his heart and this work reflects his own personal love for our Father in heaven of whom he writes.

Dr Barry Chant
Author and Teacher
Founding President, Tabor College Australia 

Thank you, Howard, for this insightful, relevant, and practical book. It will certainly help to encourage and revitalize the lives of those who read it. Your reflections on the Lord’s Prayer and truths about the kingdom of God are obviously the result of much thought and many years of effective ministry experience throughout the world.

In these times of darkness, when the kingdoms this world are being shaken, when the truth is being so severely challenged, and the spirit of fear is destroying so many lives, we need to be reminded of the unshakeable nature of the kingdom of God. Your book does this, and importantly helps us to know how to pray effectively and how to be relevant, faithful, and powerful ambassadors of God’s kingdom. 

Pastor Richard Kerridge 
Perth, WA, Australia  
Liberty World Missions Ltd -- Director     
Associated Christian Ministers International (ACMI) - International Chairman 
Liberty Bible College – Principal
Africa Business Community (ABC) - Director  

How to Get your Copy.

Get a SIGNED COPY of this book at a Pre Release special price.

Pre-Release signed copy special closes 3 Oct. 
Pre Release specials are ONLY available direct from the author. 

Order 5 or more copies for delivery to one address, freight free. 

RRP $19.95 AUD

Pre-Release Special until 3 Oct 2021
Signed copy only $15


5 copies . freight free

Rev Dr Howard Sands is the International Director of Beautiful Feet Task Force, is available as a speaker for churches, outreaches, business & missions. 

to speak at your church, College or organisation? 
For more details on how to frame an invitation see here.
See ministry recommendations here. 
See products and services here.
Send your invitation here via facebook messenger

If you would like to donate to BFTF International Missions for training leaders in developing world countries donate here.  

1. PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online! 

2. Bank account Direct Deposit
Beautiful Feet Task Force
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB 062 614
Account 0094 0442 

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Next Level Training free for African Christian Leaders

You are invited to use the Next Level training to take your ministry to the next level by participating in the 10 Day Challenge where you will be taught to think and plan strategically, make God centred plans and carry them out, even if you lack the required people, places, training, knowledge, resources or skills. 

Lets face it - that's most of us isn't it. 

How do some people keep on moving their ministry forward for bigger and bigger impact and others are always struggling, there are 2 keys to answer this question, knowledge and application. 

If you don't know you can't do. 

If you know but don't do, still nothing happens. 

We have a vision to train 10,000+ African Christian leaders this year to grow, make a bigger impact and fulfill a bigger vision than they ever thought possible for them; but it needs people like you to answer the challenge and do something substantially more than you have done before.

Beautiful Feet Task Force has developed a 10 Day Challenge to help you know, understand and apply the principles necessary to move ahead at a faster pace than ever before as the days are so critical now to make real true disciples to Jesus. 

The program requires you to join the facebook family Growing African Christian Leaders and when you have joined to complete the Guides which set you up to receive the membership gift and the 10 Day Challenge by email. 

We realise this is not for everyone for various reasons,


  • those people who already know everything,
  • those people that are already have a worldwide impact in the millions,
  • those people who don't really have a vision at all,
  • those people that are afraid of challenge and hard work.

Most leaders however would consider that their vision is not yet accomplished and they could use knowledge, training and mentoring to move ahead, they are humble enough to admit that they don't yet know everything, then these are the people that this training is for. 

Here is how you access the 10 Day Challenge 

  1. JOIN the facebook group Growing African Christian Leaders here.
  2. Answer the 3 admission questions. Wait for approval.
  3. Read the welcome post and go through the GUIDES. 
  4. Make sure you have submitted your email in the process of doing the Guides and clicked the confirm link in the email you receive to start the flow of training. 

We have already reached 1,000 members ready to grow- join and be one of them. 

How much would it be worth to you to be able to grow your ministry to the next level? how would you measure the value to you of increased numbers, increased impact, wider spread, increased reputation, more souls won, bigger achievements for your community, humanitarian or social welfare projects? 

How much would you be prepared to pay to get to this level? Everything costs, there are no free lunches, what someone gets for nothing someone is paying a price for, we should be thinking about the value obtained and be prepared to pay something to get there. The good news is, the price has already been paid, the membership and mentoring in the group is free (but you are expected to contribute your wisdom and learning so others may grow too). The membership gift and the 10 Day Challenge is free. So what is stopping you taking on the challenge. Is it your unwillingness to face the tough questions, make tough decisions and do the work - I think you have already faced up to these problems before in your life so go ahead right now, join the group, do the guides, sign up for the 10 day Challenge and do the work.

Join now.

Join now.

Rev Dr Howard Sands is the International Director of Beautiful Feet Task Force, is available as a speaker for churches, outreaches, business & missions. 

to speak at your church, College or organisation? 

For more details on how to frame an invitation see here.

See ministry recommendations here. 

See products and services here.

Send your invitation here via facebook messenger. 

If you would like to donate to BFTF International Missions for training leaders in developing world countries donate here.  

Payment options

1. PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online! 


2. Bank account Direct Deposit

Beautiful Feet Task Force
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB 062 614
Account 0094 0442 

Follow BFTF at