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Tuesday 23 July 2024

Ethiopia, Arba Minch, Day 3 salvation

Thank you for your prayers and giving. 
Arba Minch, Ethiopia,  Day 3

Rev Dr Howard Sands is the International Director of Beautiful Feet Task Force, is available as a speaker for churches, outreaches, business & missions. 

to speak at your church, College or organisation? 
For more details on how to frame an invitation see here.
See ministry recommendations here. 
See products and services here.
Send your invitation here via facebook messenger

If you would like to donate to BFTF International Missions for training leaders in developing world countries donate here.  
Payment options
PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online! 

Bank account Direct Deposit
Beautiful Feet Task Force
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB 062 614
Account 94 0442

Saturday 6 July 2024

Is the Church Able to Complete It's Great Commission Mandate?

 "They will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in the kingdom of God." 

~Jesus Luke 13.29

Right from the times of the patriarchs is was apparent that God desired to bring all mankind of every race, tribe and nation into relationship with himself, this mandate of sharing the good news was ultimately passed on to the Hebrew people who held onto the truth of their revelation of God and mostly did not bring the gentiles into relationship with God and therefore the mandate of bringing the nations into the Kingdom of God was given to the church birthed through the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the sending of the Holy Spirit. 

As we look around the world today we see that although the gospel has gone forth to some degree into most (but not all) nations, (ethnic groups) the majority of the church is still sitting in their pews, content to be pious or happy clappy but staying there. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." ~Jesus Matt 24.14 

Christ will delay his return and the judgement and the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth until the church has completed its assignment - and then will the end come. 

The exciting thing about the day in which we live is that with today's travel and technology capabilities, the size of the church and finances of God's people, it is possible to translate the scriptures into every language on earth, deliver the good news to every ethnic group and establish the kingdom of God in them within the next five years. 

If only we would get of our comfortable backsides in our comfortable churches where we play religion and have services for our own pleasure and enjoyment and get out there delivering the good news of the gospel to those who have not heard,

and persuading those who have avoided the message to listen and 

compelling those that have rejected it to come in; 

then the kingdom would be preached to the whole world, and Christs prophecy would be fulfilled, the end would come, judgement day and Christs return and His Kingdom would be established on earth and this prayer answered "thy Kingdom come." 

The indictment on the church is that at least since the 1980's we have had everything in place to do this within 5 years. Although there are some that are passionately working for this end, we must conclude that the church generally has failed in its mission in this generation to preach the gospel of the kingdom in the whole world as a testimony to all nations. 

It falls on a new generation to take up the mandate, build on the strength of the past without taking on the complacencies of the forefathers who allowed apathy, comfort, smugness and sense of security to lull them into inaction.

Will the leaders keep on tickling the ears of their congregations with more personal development or get fired up with the Holy Spirit, prepare Gods people for acts of service and send them forth empowered to complete a mission and fulfil a mandate "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16.15

Rev Dr Howard Sands is the International Director of Beautiful Feet Task Force, is available as a speaker for churches, outreaches, business & missions. 

to speak at your church, College or organisation? 
For more details on how to frame an invitation see here.
See ministry recommendations here. 
See products and services here.
Send your invitation here via facebook messenger

If you would like to donate to BFTF International Missions for training leaders in developing world countries donate here.  
Payment options
PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online! 

Bank account Direct Deposit
Beautiful Feet Task Force
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB 062 614
Account 94 0442 

Monday 10 June 2024

Why are National Groups Important to Change the Spiritual Environment of a Nation?

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what can you do for your country. ~JFK

We believe that by pastors and leaders gathering together and sharing information about ministry, praying for each other, assisting where possible and undertaking some joint events, a great sense of unity in the church in a nation can be developed which will cause the world to sit up and take notice, like Jesus referred to in John 17. We encourage you to join your national group and have your say, add comments to the wall and write discussion forums.

A group of leaders gathered outside listening to
Howard Sands. The start of Africa Network BFTF
in Kampala, Uganda, 2007.
When you encourage others by:- 
Starting an initiative for national prayer, worship, teaching or leadership development, 
Kingdom development in aspects of civic duty, education, politics, business or judicial system, 
that is outside of your church or denomination or structure where you are a part, but take a view of developing the Kingdom of God in your country, you will attract like minded individuals to join and share this initiative. 

In so doing you will gather momentum and provide spiritual impetus to your nation to shift towards unity and cause the Holy Spirit to advance the cause of the Kingdom in the nation because there are people moving forward with kingdom objectives not constrained by personal, financial, church or denominational constraints. 

What is your strength? 
Where has God called you to serve? 
How will you develop and share kingdom principles on a wider scale?

How can you inform other leaders of such initiatives, report kingdom events and successes or gather momentum, seek ideas and constructive helps for things will will turn the kingdom principles loose on your nation in increasing measure? 

Find places people who have interest in such things, join there and share your ideas, programs, plans and requests. Participate with others in concepts and programs already established with similar objectives. One such place that is gathering momentum is national group on Africa Network BFTF (over 4500 Christian leader members from 46 African countries and beyond)

Join your national group at Africa Network BFTF and make a difference. 26 national groups, more waiting just for you to join. Sign UP here 

More information on Africa Network BFTF can be found here 

Having trouble completing your application for membership? 
follow these steps. follow these steps.  

Rev Dr Howard Sands is the International Director of Beautiful Feet Task Force, is available as a speaker for churches, outreaches, business & missions. 

to speak at your church, College or organisation? 
For more details on how to frame an invitation see here.
See ministry recommendations here. 
See products and services here.
Send your invitation here via facebook messenger

If you would like to donate to BFTF International Missions for training leaders in developing world countries donate here.  
Payment options
PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online! 

Bank account Direct Deposit
Beautiful Feet Task Force
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB 062 614
Account 94 0442 

Follow BFTF 

Wednesday 29 November 2023

What is "Whitelisting of email addresses" and why should you do it?

Your email server is getting too clever for its own good. 

It (or some boffin behind the scenes) has decided that because an email addressed to you comes from a certain address, or domain or contains certain keywords, then it is spam and you really don't want to see it. 

Well that could be true, but there is also a greater chance that it is something you signed up for and you do want to see it; and you can always delete or unsubscribe. So lets tell the boffins at email servers where to get off this "I know better than you" train and start getting the emails we actually want to receive. 

If you signed up for something from Beautiful Feet Task Force and  are not seeing messages or notification messages in your email inbox you may not have our addresses white listed. 

This is what you need to do to fix it. 

Types of messages that may be sent to your email from the BFTF network. (depending on what you signed up for)

  • BFTF 40th anniversary logoHarvest newsletter 
  • Special event notifications
  • Combined churches events 
  • Guest speakers available in your area
  • Advance Notice Team Trips

Africa Network BFTF logo

Africa Network BFTF

Friend requests
Private message notifications
Comment notifications on:-
your wall, your blogs, your forums, your groups
your photos, your video

Invitations to groups or events
Items shared with you

Registration confirmation for Pulpit Rock Training 
Pulpit Rock Training email training messages
Pulpit Rock Special training events 

Network News (monthly)
Special messages 
Member advertising

Administrative Materials
Special admin advice
links to videos

Confirmation message to join 10 Day Challenge 
10 day Challenge training emails 
Leadership Special events 

White Listing the address means, your email server (Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail etc) recognises the address that this message comes from and says it is legitimate and puts it in your inbox. If the addresses are not white listed you may miss some or all of the above types of messages that keep you informed. Depending on which ones you have signed up for. 

These email servers have been getting too clever for their own good over recent years and often designate such messages to your spam box (which many people never even look at) therefore never see their notifications. 


Open your email account and make sure you have white listed email addresses that you have been told come from BFTF. That is, you have told your server that you want messages from these addresses in your inbox, not spam box. 

If you find any in your spam box you can usually drag them to your inbox and that may train the server where to put them in the future. 

Check you spam filter periodically for things that might be in their that should not be. 

How to Whitelist an Email in Gmail

Click the gear icon in Gmail and select "See all settings" from the Quick settings menu.

Navigate to "Filters and Blocked Addresses" in the top menu.

Select "Create a new filter."

Add a specific email or a whole domain in the "From" field.

Click "Create filter."

Check "Never send it to Spam" in the checkbox.

Click "Create filter."

More information can be found at this site

which also includes detailed instructions with pictures and how to white list for Outlook, Yahoo, AOL.  

Here's to getting the right stuff in your inbox. 

If you would like to donate to BFTF International Missions for training leaders in developing world countries donate here.   

1. PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online! 

2. Bank account Direct Deposit
Beautiful Feet Task Force
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB 062 614

Account 0094 0442 

Sunday 26 November 2023

How to Sign UP or Sign IN to Africa Network BFTF

Africa Network BFTF 

Africa Network BFTF banner

Africa Network BFTF  is a private social media platform for ministers and Christian leaders of all denominations and activities to build resources to help African Christian churches grow, mature & deliver the Great Commission.
It is open to all African Christian leaders in Africa, and 

  • to those outside of Africa with a ministry interest in Africa, 
  • either because you are originally from Africa and now reside elsewhere, 
  • or are non African but have a ministry interest there by visits, by supplying materials, support, training etc. 

It is a Division of Beautiful Feet Task Force. 

To sign UP 

(that is - to apply to become a member, or create an account)

follow these simple steps. 

This is where you Sign UP to become a new member of Africa Network BFTF

1/ Click the link above.

2/ Click Sign UP or Create New Account (You can’t sign IN until you have first created an account)

3/ Enter your name (first name followed by last name)  and email address where asked,

Create a password for this account and also type it EXACTLY the same again where asked to retype password.

Enter date of birth,

Tick, I am not a robot.

Answer security question who is your saviour.

Press Sign UP.

Select correct answers for Captcha pictures, (this is to stop robots applying). You may have to do this several times. 

If you continually keep getting asked to complete the captcha, there could be a problem with your device cache, 
Empty the cache and try again,  

or you may get an error message like this 

if you see this message your browser may not be supported-

You can change to another browser 

or change to a different device. 

When you have completed the application - 

1/ Go to your email and find the confirmation message we sent you and click the CONFIRM link in it. If it is not found in your inbox check your spam filter.

2/ After you click the confirm link in the email you receive from us, you will be taken back to the network to complete your personal profile information. 

Questions profile face photo 1, 2, 2a, 3, 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. enter as much as possible and press Submit.

3/ Wait, (up to 24 hours) for a confirmation email that you have been accepted. There should be 3 email messages sent to you.

Check spam filter if not found and white list email address our message comes from.
Help on how to White List is found on the network under the Technical help menu. 

4/ Go back to the network, read the message in your inbox AND on your comment wall and follow instructions.

If you follow this it should work. If you try and something does not go according to how I have set it out here, please write back with a detailed description of which point you got up to and what happened.

Enclose screen shots of the problem if you can. 


If You Can’t Sign IN 

This is where existing members Sign IN for Africa Network BFTF

1/ Select Sign IN link

2/ Enter your registered email and password

3/ Click – Sign IN
That’s it – you are in.  If you did not get inside see below for possible reasons

Things to do when signed in

Go to Main page and see – latest activity.
Go to “Settings” and update your information including your email address.

Go to your “My page” and check that your updates are correct and all your links go to the correct place.  
Go to Friends and accept any friend requests you have received.

Go to Inbox and answer any incoming messages you have received.
Go to “Getting Started” Page  under "Members" menu item and work through the items to complete your set up, 


  • white listing our sending email addresses. 
  • Creating a secure vault for all your passwords, (so you never forget them) 
  • registering for free Pulpit Rock Training.


If you did not get in

1/ Check that your internet connection is not disrupted.

2/ If you get a message that says
"The username and/or password are incorrect. Please try again."

Check with where you saved your sign in details that you have email and password correct (don’t trust your memory, check).  

If you need to reset your password click -  Forgot your password?

If that didn’t get you in or you didn’t get the email-
select the link

I still can't sign in. 
And write a detailed explanation of what you have tried and what results you got.
This may not be a quick reply, it could take many days as we are not checking that email notification very often.

If you are on facebook write to Howard Sands on messenger at

We look forward to your participation in the network.