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Monday 5 December 2016

Are You An Accidental Minister?

WHAT !!!! 

You say what is an accidental minister? well it just happened, God impacted your life and you started to share that impact with others. You started to minister the word of God as it was revealed to you, people listened, you asked people to give their lives to Christ - they did, your heart was filled with love for Christ and passion for His kingdom on earth and so you began, it wasn't something you prepared for, expected or planned, it wasn't something you went to school or college for and yet here you are - some time later - in the ministry - maybe pastor of a church or an evangelist - a gospel singer or some kind of leader in the church, because of the passion and the receptivity to the Spirit of God in you. 

Did you ever wonder how some ministers had so much understanding of the scriptures, did you ever wonder why some had such clarity of understanding of the things of God; did you ever wonder why you felt you had so little scripture knowledge? Training, study, development, mentoring; these things make a difference. It has been our heart and passion after being in Africa a few times to see a way that we might help passionate people like you build up their knowledge of sound doctrine to help prevent errors occurring in the church and prepare the next generation of trained and skilled leaders for the church. This college has been years in the making and yet it is not new, it is just new to BFTF in Africa. The Vision Bible College material has been developed over the last 40+ years, has been used in over 145 countries, has around 150,000 current students and around one and a half million have enrolled in its courses so far, however students at the new Africa Network Bible College | Kenya will receive special concessions arranged through BFTF to make it even more accessible to Kenyans.

JOE Ministries , Headquarters of  national college for
Africa Network Bible College | Kenya.
In August 2016 during the BFTF visit to Kenya we announced the launch of Africa Network Bible College | Kenya in cooperation with JOE Ministries (under the leadership of Bishop George Odhiambo) who have the personnel, skills, facilities and passion to train leaders for the ministry and so Africa Network Bible College | Kenya was born. Video report.
Now we are pleased to advise that a complete program has been arranged for training programs in 2017 and have attached the application form for you to attend in short blocks (and still maintain your Kenyan ministry or church). 

Rev Dr Howard Sands, International Director,
Beautiful Feet Task Force, speaks at the launch.
We  have made very special arrangements regarding the fees for Kenyans wishing to attend and receive an Australian internationally recognised or accredited award with the very best theological and practical ministry training.  Please consider your training (or those others under your care) and upgrade your formal qualifications (at a tiny fraction of the  Australian cost). If you are interested in getting full details or participating you should download the attached application form and submit to the national Kenya college headquarters.

This is a new day for Kenya.
Quality internationally recognised formal theological and ministry training education at an affordable price for Kenyans, facilitated by skilled Kenyan leaders in Kenya at an international standard.  Download the application now and submit for 2017 classes.    

Any questions you have regarding content in the application form and your individual circumstances can be discussed with the principal Ps Ken Ayiro Okuyo. 

Download application form here. 

I am looking forward to seeing you the next time I visit.
Rich Blessings

Rev Dr Howard Sands is the International Director of Beautiful Feet Task Force, is available as a speaker for churches, outreaches, business & missions.

For more details or to book Howard for your college, church or event see how to frame an invitation here.

If you would like to assist BFTF in its mission to equipping Africa Network Bible College with chairs, tables, beds, linen, cupboards, filing cabinets etc etc so they can equip ministers with the word of God to empower their own generation you can donate to BFTF here

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Bank account Direct Deposit
Beautiful Feet Task Force
CBA Bank Wagga Wagga NSW Australia
BSB 062 614
Account 0094 0442

Thursday 8 September 2016

East Africa gets BFTF Teaching, Training and Evangelism

We just want to say a REALLY BIG THANK YOU to everyone who supported us, prayed for us, hosted us, fed us, arranged meetings, conferences and outreaches, transported us, loved on our churches and families in our absence during our recent mission to Kenya and Uganda. 


Ministering in small churches in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. 


Large leadership training seminar in Mbale, Uganda. 


Leading crusade outreaches to win souls in Busia, Kenya.

Ministering at the Champions of Destiny believers conference.

Launching Beautiful Feet Task Force first African Bible College, 
Africa Network Bible College | Kenya 

Ministering at Kibaale Town ( a rural village in Uganda) to about 70 pastors and leaders. About 50 baptised in the Holy Spirit.

Ministering at Pastors Seminar in Kampala, Uganda. 

Ministering to pastors and one of the churches in the newly formed CRC Churches International, Uganda.    

Between Ps Wayne Lyons and Dr Howard Sands we ministered at:- 
7 weekend services over 3 Sundays in Nairobi & Busia, Kenya; and Kampala, Uganda. 
  • Preached at an outreach crusade, (approx 150 decisions for Christ over 5 nights, 3 preachers) 
  • Gave keynote addresses and workshops at Champions of Destiny Conference, (900+ delegates) 
  • Launched Africa Network Bible College | Kenya in Busia, Kenya.  
  • Held 4 pastors and leaders training in Mbale (600+), Kibaale Town (70+) and Kampala x2 (50 & 11) Uganda. 

We met a whole lot of awesome saints of God with passion for the Kingdom, won souls for Jesus, saw healings, deliverance and baptism with the Holy Spirit. Renewed friendships, made new ones and were thoroughly excited to see that God is moving in East Africa. 

Next BFTF public mission trip from Australia to West Africa in April 2017; 
Sign up now to receive information when available.

Monthly Combined Christian Churches Victory Meetings at St Marys, NSW, Australia. 
Mailing list for notifications here.

If you are ministering to Africa you may like to join Africa Network BFTF for connections, resources, unity and sharing, over 2800 leaders from over 46 African countries now utilise this BFTF service. 

Rev Dr Howard Sands is the International Director of Beautiful Feet Task Force, is available as a speaker for churches, outreaches, business & missions.

For more details or to book Howard for your college, church or event see how to frame an invitation here.

If you would like to assist BFTF in its mission to equipping African and Asian ministers with the word of God to empower their own generation you can donate to BFTF here.

Follow BFTF 


Bank account Direct Deposit
Beautiful Feet Task Force
CBA Bank Wagga Wagga NSW Australia
BSB 062 614
Account 0094 0442

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Unbelieving Believers

I read a challenging piece recently by Dr Bernard Etta when speaking of the 7000 prophets who had not bowed the knee to Baal (1 Kings 19.18); he said. "I have no respect for such prophets who lived in a nation taken over by Idolatry and evil but chose to remain silent. Not bowing to Baal is good, but not enough to transform a society or nation. True prophets confront the idolatry in the land and speak again sin in both high and low places with a vision of taking back the nation for God. You don't need 7000 prophets to change a nation, just one true prophet is enough."

A little similar to today's church I believe, 'and the love of many will wax cold.' 
They say they are believers but when it comes to issues of sin and righteousness and judgement they are cold and silent. 

It has been said "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing," (often attributed to Edmund Burke but disputed) how true it is.  Burke also said, "Nothing is so fatal to religion as indifference."  
If 7000 prophets who had not bowed the knee to Baal had spoken up, how different might the situation have been. If millions of 'so called' Christians learn to live with evil in the world and around them in their community instead of denouncing it and setting aright the ills of society, what will be the outcome of the Jezebels?

Today we have professing believers filling church pews with no moral fortitude, Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe" Mark 16.17 our churches seem to be full of those with only the "DO NOT DISTURB" sign around their necks, dare we say that many of our churches are filled with unbelieving believers? 
To believe in Christ is to follow Him and be His disciple; "I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." John 14.12
Are we doing the works? 
Are the signs following? 
Are we expecting the signs to follow? 
or have we just become humanitarian tolerants? 
The words of Christ command obedience, if obedience to His way is not there, are we in fact His disciple at all? 
Society will always have its malevolent, those intent on their own perverted gain at the expense of good morals and judgement, its wicked, evil and sinister plotters to bring down anything that is upright, moral, good or godly for it is an affront to them, for they desire to remove any semblance of righteousness or God from their lives, for then (in their minds only) their is no account to give to God.
It is encumbent upon us to heed the warning given by God to Ezekiel, “Again, when a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, and I put a stumbling block before them, they will die. Since you did not warn them, they will die for their sin. The righteous things that person did will not be remembered, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. But if you do warn the righteous person not to sin and they do not sin, they will surely live because they took warning, and you will have saved yourself.” Ezekiel 18.26/27
Society in many nations (not restricted to western nations) is crumbling for lack of absolute values, where everything is questioned and many outcomes are questionable, it behoves those that have the truth that delivers (and has delivered for thousands of years for those that follow it,)  peace, stability, prosperity and godliness to share it with those of the community hellbent on destroying righteousness in society and themselves along with it to a torturous hell for those who reject God.  
Don't let your religion crumble around you for lack of attention to it.

Dr Howard Sands is the International Director of Beautiful Feet Task Force, is available as a speaker for churches, outreaches, business & missions.

For more details or to book Howard for your college, church or event see how to frame an invitation here.

If you would like to assist BFTF in its mission to equipping African and Asian ministers with the word of God to empower their own generation you can donate to BFTF here.

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Africa Network BFTF

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Bank account Direct Deposit
Beautiful Feet Task Force
CBA Bank Wagga Wagga NSW Australia
BSB 062 614
Account 0094 0442

Tuesday 21 June 2016

The Return of Christ in 2021

That headline got your attention didn't it? 

Will Christ return in the year 2021? 
I don't know, but this makes us ask 2 very important questions to the church. 
1/ Will you be found in faith and ready if He does? 
2/ Will the church do what is required between now and then to bring that about? 
Continue reading to discover what is necessary and how possible it is for Christ to return in 2021.

"They will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in the kingdom of God." 
~Jesus Luke 13.29

Right from the times of the patriarchs is was apparent that God desired to bring all mankind of every race, tribe and nation into relationship with himself, this mandate of sharing the good news was ultimately passed on to the Hebrew people who held onto the truth of their revelation of God and mostly did not bring the gentiles into relationship with God and therefore the mandate of bringing the nations into the Kingdom of God was given to the church birthed through the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the sending of the Holy Spirit.
As we look around the world today we see that although the gospel has gone forth to some degree into most (but not all) nations, the majority of the church is still sitting in their pews, content to be pious or happy clappy but staying there. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." ~Jesus Matt 24.14
Christ will delay his return and the judgement and the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth until the church has completed its assignment - and then will the end come.

The exciting thing about the day in which we live is that with today's travel and technology capabilities,the size of the church and finances of God's people, it is possible to translate the scriptures into every language on earth, deliver the good news to every ethnic group and establish the kingdom of God in them within the next five years. If only we would get of our comfortable backsides in our comfortable churches where we play religion and have services for our own pleasure and enjoyment and get out there delivering the good news of the gospel to those who have not heard, and persuading those who have avoided the message to listen and compelling those that have rejected it to come in; then the kingdom would be preached to the whole world, and Christs prophecy would be fulfilled, the end would come, judgement day and Christs return and His Kingdom would be established on earth and this prayer answered "thy Kingdom come."

The indictment on the church is that at least since the 1980's we have had everything in place to do this within 5 years. Although there are some that are passionately working for this end, we must conclude that the church generally has failed in its mission in this generation to preach the gospel of the kingdom in the whole world as a testimony to all nations. It falls on a new generation to take up the mandate, build on the strength of the past without taking on the complacencies of the forefathers who allowed apathy, comfort, smugness and sense of security to lull them into inaction.

Will the leaders keep on tickling the ears of their congregations with more personal development or get fired up with the Holy Spirit, prepare Gods people for acts of service and send them forth empowered to complete a mission and fulfil a mandate "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16.15 

Dr Howard Sands is the International Director of Beautiful Feet Task Force, is available as a speaker for churches, outreaches, business & missions.

For more details or to book Howard for your college, church or event see how to frame an invitation here.

If you would like to assist BFTF in its mission to equipping African and Asian ministers with the word of God to empower their own generation you can donate to BFTF here.

Follow BFTF 

Friday 1 April 2016

Why Are You Asking People to Pray For You?

What we find through the history of God dealing with men and then through his chosen race, the Hebrews, that they found that God was too awe-inspiring, too majestic to have any relationship with individuals and so they decided that because he was so awesome and just and powerful and holy and couldn’t be approached because of all of this, and they were so evil and sinful and bad and couldn’t go near to God because he was holy and they were so bad, that they instituted a priesthood, someone who could be touched like they could be, yet was holy enough to approach God.

So the priesthood came and was the means of preventing the people of God from understanding the father heart of God because they said, “I am not holy enough because I have sinned. Therefore I will go to the priest and give him an offering so that he can pray for me to God because I can’t.”

You understand that concept of the Old Testament. Now think about these. That concept is still alive and well in a lot of Christendom. We think that we are not worthy of coming into the presence of God. Therefore we must have someone else to do that for us. One of the things that happens to me very often and still happens to me even when I’m not in a foreign country, they will come and they will say, “Please pray for me for ...” Please pray for my family. Please pray for my children. Please pray for their school. Please pray for my daughter to have a baby. Please pray for this. Please pray for that. Please pray for something else, as though I had somehow got more connection with God than they had.

No, I don't have any more connection to God than the next Christian, I have just realised the connection that I have with my father and they perhaps haven’t realised. You see the connection is that God made us his sons. He made us his sons, therefore he must be our father. If he’s our Father, then we can go to our Father. Now, it’s great that you can pray for somebody because they asked you to pray for them; but we don’t need someone to pray for us. We need to know that we have access ourselves. Amen?

Excerpt from coming book by Howard Sands
Your Kingdom Come

I would love to read your comments below how this message has impacted you.
You can listen to a live recording of this message here.

Dr Howard Sands is the International Director of Beautiful Feet Task Force, is available as a speaker for churches, outreaches, business & missions.

For more details or to book Howard for your college, church or event see how to frame an invitation here.

If you would like to assist BFTF in its mission to equipping African and Asian ministers with the word of God to empower their own generation you can donate to BFTF here.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Your Word is Power

© Howard Sands 2016

You have the power to do good or to do evil
James 3.3-5 The Tongue has power to create or destroy
It boasts great things
Matt 8.8 Centurion said, speak the word only

A miracle is something that happens outside the natural laws
- we say God did that. 

Today we will see what God says about it. 

1/Speaking Creative Words
I have taken many team trips to India and Africa - we spoke creative words, even before we went we said , we will Go, see 100's saved, healed, Baptised in Holy Spirit, receive revelation.

"What you say is what you get" Jesus said that
Mk 11.22/24 Jesus publicly said, no one eat fruit of you ever again.
When they came back that evening, tree was withered and dried up, Jesus gave them a powerful truth.
Peter says He cursed the fig tree.
He just spoke death to it.
It had to obey him.
We have cursed ourselves and others by the words of our mouth,
“Its getting worse... there is no cure … I have to take this medication for the rest of my life … I'm feeling this cold coming on.”

Stop saying what the devil puts in your mouth and start confessing what God gave you to say.
Because whatever you say – Jesus said you can have.
Jesus said, Have faith in God, or more literally, "Have the God kind of faith."
Jesus explained how it works.
Speak God's words until they become part of you, "...out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."
Some people say they can't, they're right.
Some people say they can, they're right.

If you say you can't, you don't, not because you can't but because you won't.
What you say is what you get.

eg. Flight, Sri Lanka to India, we were not allowed to confirm, we said we're going on that plane, plane 10hrs late, finally allowed on, we went.

Phil 4.13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Today you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

If you'll believe it you'll receive it; If you don't, you won't.

2/ Planting the word as seed in you
Today we are going to do some implanting into you, what the word of God says about you.
Today we are going to help you

What are you believing
Do you fear, people, circumstances, your inabilities or do you say,
2 Tim 1.7 God has not given to me a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.

What about healing.
Do you believe God will heal you or can heal:
will is definite, can is a maybe.

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that healing is the children's bread? 
... that Christ bought your healing on Calvary.

Rom 10.9/10 with the heart man believes unto Righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Your confession is saving you every day, but what is it saving you into. 

3/ Praying in faith.
Prayer is your legal right to use faith filled words to bring God on the scene on your behalf.

May Mark 11.24 live in you so you know that whatever YOU say, you will have.

Jesus said ask the Father in my name.
I want you you to see this -
Matt 10.33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven. NIV
but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven. ESV

Harsh words but He's not talking about salvation.
God and His word are one. Jesus is the word. So he who denies the word that God gave him denies Jesus.

Better read, but whoever denies me and my word (for they are one) before men (fails to say before men the word that I have given him about his circumstances), I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven. (deny to give his negative, failing unbelieving prayer to the Father).

Jesus confesses to the Father what we say provided it agrees with the word. Then our prayer is made by Jesus to the Father, the Father cannot do anything but grant that prayer.
If you confess my word before men, I'll confess what you say before the Father. Your prayer gets an audience with the Father presented by Jesus the intercessor.

4/ But I need more faith
Its OK for you but ….
stop right there.
Don't 'but' the word of God.

You may not have got to the place where you immediately and instictively say the word of God at your situation as soon as it arises, if not there's something you can do about it.
Follow what the word says to do to get more faith. Rom 10.17 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

If you don't put it in in the good times you cant get out in the tough times.
Develop your faith muscle by speaking the word of God aloud to your circumstances, to your body, finances, family.

Mk 11.23 but believes that what he says is going to take place, it will be done for him  .
He doesn't have it now, its still coming.

Start saying what you want to happen NOT the worst that you fear might happen.
That's unbelief and you're believing in it.

5/ Salvation is in every area: Its a package deal,
you don't get one bit without the other

saved, Gk. sozo, saved, healed, delivered, made whole, preserved.

Nobleman's son near death
Jn 49/50 He believed Jesus word.
Matt 8.13 Centurion, as you have believed, so be it done.
Matt 9.22 woman with issue of blood, your faith has made you whole.

Captured on video, Mission to India
- a woman had a pain for many years, she came to the first day meeting,
we prayed for her, she believed, next day she testified of being healed
Man with heart condition took God at his word, came forward for prayer, believed and received his healing
Many received their sins forgiven because they dared to believe God's word and act on it, in 4 crusades about 500 people.

? Who is stronger, God or Satan ?
then why do some Christian folk still say: "the devil made me do it."
"The devil is having a go at me."
"I have this pain, disease etc."

1 Jn 4.4 Greater is He that is in you, than he than is in the world.

The devil didn't make you do, You believed his lie
2 Cor 2.14 God always causes me to triumph

1 Pet 2.24 By His stripes you WERE healed

2 Cor 3.17 Where the spirit of the Lord is their is liberty

Rom 8.1 There is therefore now, NO CONDEMNATION

Why do we say I can't:-  do it
                                       believe it
                                       afford it
when God says ask and you will receive,

Ps 23 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

Phil 4.19 My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Church in Kovalam: no natural means, meeting in little hut, tiny piece of ground
stepped out in faith, put 1500 Rs down on bigger piece of ground, Our first crusade, BFTF team and ministry gave donations to land purchase, raised funds through sales of pictures when we returned. Since sent them enough to buy land to increase size of church.

Pastor told me later they have bought land for 25,000 Rs an impossible task in the natural
They believed and acted in faith, God provided
Things with man that are impossible; are with God Himpossible.

According to your word, because your word is power.

Lets confess what we are
I am as bold as a lion
I have the mind of Christ
God is for me
Greater is He thats in me than he thats in the world
I am the righteousness of God
I am speaking His word
I am filled with faith, power and the Holy Spirit
I am an overcomer
I am more than a conqueror
I am born again by His Spirit
His life flows through me
I've been redeemed and set apart & I'll love and serve God all my life
By His stripes I am healed
I have no lack, His abundance is mine
I invoke blessing on my life by being a generous giver
I am set free from pain, sickness, disease. 

I would love to read your comments below how this message has impacted you.
You can listen to a live recording of this message here. 

Dr Howard Sands is the International Director of Beautiful Feet Task Force, is available as a speaker for churches, outreaches, business & missions. 

For more details or to book Howard for your college, church or event see how to frame an invitation here.
If you would like to assist BFTF in its mission to equipping African and Asian ministers with the word of God to empower their own generation you can donate to BFTF here.