James 5.16KJV The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
Living; The earnest prayer of, a righteous man has great power and wonderful results
AMP: The earnest (heart felt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available -dynamic in its working.
Today the church is looking for better plans, methods to enlarge the gospel.
God's plan is to make much of the man
Men and women are God's method
While the Church is looking for better methods
God is looking for better men.
We don't need new and better machinery or new organisations
but men and women whom the Holy Ghost can use,
men and women of prayer, people mighty in prayer.
Holy Ghost doesn't flow through methods but men,
He doesn't come on machinery but men and women,
He doesn't anoint plans but people.
Who are these people:- Men and women of prayer.
Power of Prayer
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Daily Bread
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Power of Prayer
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Power of Prayer
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Daily Bread
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Power of Prayer
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