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Sunday, 15 December 2013

Another BFTF Living Water Well project

Another faith venture of Beautiful Feet Task Force 
draws close to completion. 

Well Progress at Gitugi, Kenya and Preparations for Opening Ceremony.
See the launch details here. 

The drilling rig has arrived on site and commenced drilling for water.

The report from Bishop Gerishon is that at 130m deep they have hit water but not of sufficient quality for drinking and will continue drilling, it is expected that they will probably have to drill up to 200m or more.


  • The recommendations of the Hydrogeological report.  

8.0 Conclusions and recommendations:
The summarized conclusions and recommendations from the hydro geological investigations undertaken within Gitugi area are described in the following sections.

8.1 Localized Hydrogeology of Investigated Area

  1. The area is situated in a zone with moderate groundwater potential: The study concludes that based on geological evidence, groundwater prospects for medium-scale abstractions are good.
  2. The available data indicates that shallow water strikes often occur between 54 and 159metres, within the fractured Basalts.
  3. The Targeted main deep aquifer in this study which is more productive is found at depths greater than 96 m within the fractured volcanic rocks.

Location of Gitugi BFTF Living Water Well 
View Larger Map

Sending International Director of BFTF Ps Howard Sands and his wife Joy to inaugurate the well and conduct the Living Water Crusade at the site to share the life giving word of God with the 7000 locals of Gitugi township and also conduct ministers training and a Womens conference.

Already, Bishop Gerishon of Wings of Life Churches has been to the site and shared with the locals the profound impact this well is going to have on their community and the reason that BFTF  wants to invest in water wells in Kenya. 

Bishop Gerishon takes advantage of the moment to share the Gospel

BFTF believes that life giving water wells strategically located is likened to the gospel and changes lives; therefore water wells are placed on cooperating churches property where they can bring life giving water to many villagers where they would normally have to walk long distances to get clean water. This way the churches  (who charge a minimal amount for the water) are able to maintain and repair the well continually, rather than let them decay from disuse because no one has collected sufficient funds to maintain the well; as happens in many places with large charity projects. The church is seen as benefiting its community and then becomes a focal point for the community.

On 1 January it is expected to officially open the well and start a 3 day Living Water crusade in the area. 

BFTF has been conducting evangelistic crusades in developing nations for over 30 years and expects to bring many to make a decision for Christ, see them healed, delivered and set free. 

Water well costs, bank transfer fees and local costs have not yet been fully met and we are believing the balance of $2,000 Australian dollars will be realised before Christmas to conclude the well on time. 

Donations for water water wells do not cover travel and evangelistic costs and  BFTF is still looking for the remaining $5,200 to cover airfares, land costs, crusade and ministry costs. 

Two ways to contribute
direct deposit to 
Beautiful Feet Task Force
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB 062 614
Account number 0094 0442



To see the video on the trip to inspect the water well progress mentioned above, (Jan 2014), view our YouTube account here.